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SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs perform a vital role in managing the SIGs. The effectiveness of a SIG is dependent on the active participation of the Chair and the Co-Chair. All SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs undertake their work on a volunteer basis for a two-year term period.

SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs are expected to attend at least one of the two APNIC meetings held each year. When SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs attend an APNIC meeting, and a session is held for the SIG, they are expected to attend that session.

SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs must remain subscribed to the SIG’s mailing list for the duration of their term.

The SIG Guidelines prefer that Chair and Co-Chair terms end in alternate years to provide continuity if there is a change in leadership.

Nominees and self-nominees will be required to attest they can perform the Chair and Co-Chair responsibilities detailed in the SIG Guidelines.

Policy SIG

Nominations are now closed for the Chair position. If you would like to nominate yourself or somebody else, please do so before the deadline. Nominations will be accepted only by using the online form.

The election will be the first agenda item of the Policy SIG session on Wednesday, 27 February 2019.



Nominations are now closed for the Chair position. If you would like to nominate yourself or somebody else, please do so before the deadline. Nominations will be accepted only by using the online form.

The election will be the first agenda item of the NIR SIG session on Tuesday, 26 February 2019.


Cooperation SIG

Nominations are open for Chair position. If you would like to nominate yourself or somebody else, please do so before the deadline. Nominations will be accepted only by using the online form.

The election will be the first agenda item of the Cooperation SIG session on Monday, 25 February 2019.
