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User Research

APNIC invites you to participate in interviews and testing products at APRICOT 2019

In an effort to improve a range of our products (in different phases of development), we’re looking for people who may be interested in discussing various topics with us. If you qualify, you will receive a gift for your participation.

There are two tasks you can choose to participate in, and you are not limited to participating in just one:

  • Interviews about Network Operations
  • Internet Directory usability testing

These studies will be held over the week of APRICOT 2019 (25 to 28 February). If you are selected, you will be asked to participate in person at the User Research meeting room (room 209 on the 2nd floor of the Daejeon Convention Centre).

If you are interested in participating while attending APRICOT, please fill out this survey about some of our products and which ones you would like to test.

Participate now

Please find below a brief summary of each project and what will be involved if you choose to participate.

Interviews about Network Operations

We are looking to resolve problems faced by network operators in relation to AS-level information and how they deal with routing issues. If this sounds like something you would like to talk to us about, please get in touch. You will be asked questions about your role and difficulties you face with routing issues over a 45-minute session at a time appropriate for you.

Internet Directory Usability Testing

We are looking for people who may be interested in trying out a product that visualizes information about how Internet Number Resources are distributed in the Asia Pacific region and giving feedback after using it. Over a 1-hour session, you will be asked to do several short tasks using a website. You will also be asked questions about your experience and perceptions of the website. You will then be asked to fill out a quick questionnaire about your thoughts on the website. You should participate using your own laptop computer if possible.

If you have any questions, please contact Lily.